This is for Harry.

This is for Harry.
This is for searching for information on Nicholas Flamel. This is for troll in the dungeon! This  is for catching the snitch in your mouth. This is for visits to  Hagrid’s hut. This is for rivalry with Malfoy. This is for warm nights  in the Gryffindor common room doing homework. This is for cold, wet days  in a tent searching for horcruxes. This is for predicting Harry’s death  in every lesson. This is for Tom Riddle. This is for following the  spiders. This is for Hogsmeade. This is for Dumbledore. This is for care  of magical creatures. This is for kissing Cho Chang. This is for facing  your boggart. This if for Nargles. This is for mischief managed. This  is for Minerva. This is for life-lessons. This is for love. This is for  friendship. This is for Fred and George. This is for the Yule Ball. This  is for the weird sisters. This is for Dobby is free. This is  for the DA. This is for snuffles. This is for centaurs. This is for  gillyweed. This is for page 394. This is for Christmas spent at  Hogwarts. This is for Charlie and his love for dragons. This is for Mrs.  Weasley’s jumpers. This is for Fleur. This is for the leaky cauldron.  This is for Stan Shunpike. This is for the Battle of Hogwarts. This is  for going back in time to save Sirius. This is for the ghost of the last  laugh still etched upon his face. This is for searching for the  basilisk. This is for fighting Nagini in Godrics Hollow. This is for it is not how you are alike, but how you are different. This  is for James and Lily. This is for friendship. This is for  hope. This is for hinkypunks and redcaps. This is for I open at the  close. This is for Luna. This is for his furry little problem. This is  for don’t call me nymphadora. This is for Nearly Headless Nick.  This is for the Slytherin common room. This is for the slug club. This  is for Kreacher. This is for Wormtail. This is for making the wrong  choices and paying the price. This is for loyalty and bravery. This is  for love. This is for teaching us about the twisted world in which we live. This is  for muggles and wizards alike. This is for a story not just about  wizards and witches and magic, but for a story of morals, life and death,  and the brutality of life. This is for caring. This is for the Room of  Requirement. This is for sneaking Hedwig out of History of Magic. This  is for Umbridge-itis. This is for Peeves. This is for the great hall and  it’s enchanted ceiling. This is for Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing  ferret. This is for AVPM. This is for midnight releases. This is for  rainy London Premieres. This is for the marauders. This is for winning  the quidditch cup. This is for S.P.E.W. This is for Madam Puddifoot’s  tea shop. This is for Cedric Diggory. This is for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This  is for realizing the ministry sucks. This is for Aurors. This is for  Rufus Scrimgeour’s last act. This is for the Order of the Phoenix. This  is for Expecto Patronum. This is for Obliviate. This is for Crucio. This  is for I killed Sirius Black! This is for Avada Kedavra. This  is for Imperio. This is for Neville killing Nagini. This is for  Ravenclaw. This is for Hufflepuff. This is for uniting. This is for  setting aside your differences. This is for crying in the cinema. This  is for tear-stained books. This is for being the chosen one. This is for  the attachment to characters. This is for Muggles not noticing anything.  This is for weeping. This is for Death Eaters. This is for the whomping  willow. This is for Harry’s firebolt. This is for Hedwig. This is for  visiting Diagon Alley with Hagrid. This is for being there from Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four privet drive… to the scar had not pained harry for nineteen years. All was well. This is for being proud to say you have stuck with harry until the very end. This  is for facing your boggart on July 15th. This is for your friends never  understanding. This is for explaining the films to your parents, whilst  knowing every line by heart. This is for trecale tart. This is for I open at the close. This is for flying cars. This is for thestrals. This is for of course, Harry, it’s all in your head but why on earth does that mean it’s not real? This is for the silver doe. This is for unicorn  blood. This is for the Sword of Gryffindor. This is for the house cup. This is for locomotor  trunks. This is for constant vigilance. This is for  butterbeer. This is for your loyalty, from every  book release to every film release, every trailer, every whisper of  excitement. This is for all the dedication. This is for the 14 years.  This is for them, the golden trio. This is for J.K Rowling. This is for  Ron. This is for Hermione. This is for Harry Potter. This is for the  memories. This is for our childhood. This is for the time of our lives.  This is for the Harry Potter Generation.

After all this time?

Fant denne hos Paint me a Palace, og hver setning er et minne som får hjertet mitt til å slå dobbelslag.
This is for the memories.

Så mye som jeg skriver om Harry Potter så burde jeg nesten lage en egen kategori for det snart.

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